Potrawy francuskie po angielsku

Potrawy francuskie po angielsku

Typowe francuskie potrawy po angielsku

Przeczytaj o typowych posiłkach Francuzów oraz o ich zwyczajach żywieniowych i poznaj nowe słownictwo angielskie. A jakie jest Twoje ulubione jedzenie?

I am going to tell you about typical food in France. First of all, French people love to eat out, so everywhere you go there are bistros, bars, street-side cafes and restaurants. France has many traditional dishes. Some of them are also popular in Poland and other countries.

I want to focus on typical French food for children. I will start from my favourite dessert which are crepes. These are very thin French pancakes filled with chocolate sauce or fresh fruits. Crepes are very tasty, even when only sprinkled with sugar and folded. Try them if you have a chance.

My favourite food for breakfast are croissants. They are very popular in Poland too. French people eat them sometimes with ham and cheese. I like them with white cheese and jam or honey.

For lunch I really like Salade Nicoise. This is a typical French salad and it includes lettuce, tuna, black olives, tomatoes, onions, hard boiled eggs and sometimes anchovies, caper berries and green beans. It is named after the city of Nice. It is very tasty!

France is also famous for its love of cheese. Camembert, Brie and Roquefort (blue cheese) are some of the best-known cheeses and are popular all over the world. They are mostly used for salads, but some people put them in their sandwiches.

And what about you? What is your favourite French food?


eat out – jeść poza domem

bistro – restauracja typu bistro

street-side cafes – kawiarnie uliczne

dishes – naczynia/potrawy

focus – skupić się

crepes – naleśniki (nazwa francuska)

filled – wypełnione

tasty – smaczne

sprinkled – posypane

folded – złożone

Salade Nicoise – sałatka nicejska (francuska


hard boiled eggs – jajka na twardo

anchovies – sardele (gatunek ryby)

caper berries – owoce kaparu

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Food & Drinks (Jedzenie i picie) – klasa 5

My favourite food (Jedzenie i picie) – klasa 4

Food & Drinks – speaking (mówienie o produktach spożywczych, jedzeniu i napojach) – klasa 4-5

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Potrawy francuskie po angielsku

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